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Workshop on the need for climate technology in the buildings sector

On 29 March 2022, the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture of Georgia and the Remission Center for Sustainable Development held a second workshop, centered on the building sector’s climate technology needs, at the Radisson Blu Iveria Hotel.

The meeting was opened by Remission project representatives, who identified the goals of the project, the activities planned, and their projected outcomes. A further presentation on the Green Climate Fund also discussed the main evaluation criteria for projects in the Green Climate Fund, the financial mechanisms for project implementation, and their business models.

Levan Natadze, a Remission expert from Esco-Es Ltd., introduced various climate-change requirements in the building sector. Thereafter, he thoroughly reviewed the types of technologies available and ready to be adopted, urban and block-scale technologies, vulnerabilities in the building sector, and the need for further adaptation.

At the end of the meeting, the stakeholders carried out group work to identify climate technologies for the building sector, to discuss ways to eliminate barriers, and to consider the selection criteria for priority technologies. Finally, a preliminary selection of climate technologies was developed, which will be discussed and evaluated in detail during the later stages of the project under various criteria.

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